He played poor openings, but his tactical skills were out of this world for a 1300-1400 player. Your tacticall skills, general knowledge of openings and strategic assessments, to generate a winning attack against a king on the run are sound for that rating level.I used to have trouble with the version I have when I first started playing alot, with a Josh Waitzkin at 8 years old personality. You will find you are a much improved player. My advice to you as a player, is play that 800 rated personality with black and white until it can't beat you. I've heard that Chessmaster lags behind most engines for analysis of high level games, but it should do nicely from beginner to intermediate I imagine.As EscherehcsE suggested, try changing the personality to play against. Will no doubt move on to using other analysis tools when I have progressed a lot more though. I doubt a 900 player playing seriously would overlook that the queen move they just made allowed it to be captured en prise.As a beginner player though, I do like how it presents the analysis of past games in an easy to follow way. This is around the 900-1100 level.I prefer Shredder though, it makes fewer massive blunders at the lower levels than Chessmaster does. It often leaves bishops en prise and occasionally even queens, allows me to sometimes pick up a piece expecting an exchange but it doesn't retake and makes a weird move with no real purpose instead. Which version do you have? I have the Grandmaster Edition and don't have any problem with the rated play against various personalities. Against lower rated persnalities( under1800) keep calm, maintain patience and wait for them to commit a mistake, they will sure commit one. It will definitely help you develop your positional game.2. Best way to play an engine is to play closed game with center locked. Thing is you too should not get carried away and keep concentrating.Can you post the game here when next time you play that personality?Keep few things in mind when playing against computers:1.

Matt thats the points with computer, they don't get panicked when they blunder.

Chess against a computer is absolutely ridiculous, I advise everyone, NEVER to buy chess software, it will cheat you. Soon as I make a blunder, BAM it's in there gobbling up all my peices. I can't even beat chessmaster 800 apponent, the game plays stupid as hell and then just as I'm about to win, it turns into Kasparov, wtf is up with that? It's like a freaking grandmaster at avoiding checks, it positions it's peices PERFECTLY, there literally isn't a single weak square anywhere. Seriously, I have a rating of 1300 here on the site, I win some and I lose some.
#Chessmaster 10 patch unknown version Pc#
Chessmaster Grandmaster Edition Pc Patches.