It's good for those who do not want any kind of challenge or for a younger audience. This game would be amazing had the original SNES game never been made. That was all I needed to be subjected to in order to completely quit this game and return it the same day i purchased it. The hookshot in dungeon 2 was used to pull the "segments" off of the "balloon" monster in dungeon 2. For example: The hammer in dungeon 1, was used to destroy the scorpion monster in that dungeon. The fun of the original was to complete each dungeon boss with the item you found in said dungeon. The simple fact that they made the items available to rent completely disgusted me. I will be honest, I did not complete this game, nor did I play it longer than an hour. That's number 3, out of over 4000 games played. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past is my 3rd favorite game of all time and my 1991 Game of the Year. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past is my 3rd favorite game of all time Wow, what can I say? This game is such an utter disappointment. Wow, what can I say? This game is such an utter disappointment. The characters are complex and interesting, but perhaps the biggest achievement in terms of its presentation is the silky-smooth 60fps frame rate which stays consistent throughout this 18 hour adventure even with the 3D effect turned on.

This is a beautiful game, presenting a colourful and vibrant world that just seems to radiate adventure and exploration. It’s a feeling experienced whilst playing the Professor Layton series, but puzzle-solving in this game is made relevant and interesting by the vivid world, close to perfect combat and awe-inspiring imagination. I could almost hear the pieces of a riddle snap together in my head as I strived to calculate the answer. The puzzles in Link Between Worlds are, as aforementioned, immensely satisfying. Rather than following in the footsteps of Game Freak and introducing the franchise to a new generation of audiences at the risk of patronising its long term fans, (I’m looking at you Pokémon X and Y) Link Between Worlds pays homage to those of us who have followed Link since his debut over 25 years ago all whilst paving the way for a reinvention of what it means to make a Zelda game. Presenting freedom of choice gameplay not seen since the original, The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds makes no effort to hold the players hand through the richly dense world of Hyrule and it works brilliantly. Set in the world of A Link to the Past, Link Between Worlds makes the serendipitous combination of a reinvigorating spark with a meaty hit of nostalgia. What initially looked like a game leaning on the aging crutches of A Link to the Past has turned out to be a thoroughly poignant, vivid and What initially looked like a game leaning on the aging crutches of A Link to the Past has turned out to be a thoroughly poignant, vivid and immensely satisfying game worthy of standing on its own two feet.